Friday, April 29, 2011

Hair cut


Ben has been asking for a hair cut for a couple of days. So, when I got home today, Lisa sent us out for hair cuts. We got to Fantastic Sams, and there was not a long wait. The girl who was going to cut my hair was freed up first, and she called us over. Ben climbed in the the chair next to mine and watch as she started cutting my hair. When the other girl was ready for Ben, she came over, got him ready and started cutting. Ben was very well behaved. He followed all of her directions. She would tell him to look down at his feet and he would until she told him to look somewhere else. Then when they were finished he turned to the mirror and checked out his hair cut. She asked him if it looked good and he said “uh huh.” Then she said he was a handsome little boy, and he said “uh huh.” He did so well, we had to stop at DQ on the way home.

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