Tuesday, April 19, 2011

See Done

The kids were eating dinner and Julie finished, so I gave her some ice cream. Ben wanted some ice cream too, but I told him he had to finish his dinner first. So he continued to eat slowly. The when Julie was done, she wanted to go to bed. Ben wanted ice cream before I took her up there. I told him no and that he needed to eat a little bit more before he got ice cream. He sits down, goes to take a bite, but stops and looks at me with this look of I have a plan and am going to put it into action. A look I am probably going to fear. I take Julie up slowly and try to keep an eye on the downstairs as I am going up… And here comes Ben past the stairs with his plate going into the kitchen. I call to him, he stops and goes back to the table. After Julie is in bed, I come downstairs and find that Ben had emptied his plate into the garbage and he is sitting back at the table. He sees me and goes, “See Done!” I am glad he only had a little left on his plate. I had to wait a while to give him ice cream so I was not rewarding him for throwing out his food.

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