Jury selection day two went something like this... The judge conitued to ask questions to the group. He did ask if anyone was related to a police officer. Then judge passed around a questionare and we each had to stand and give our answers. Some of the questions were name, age, employer, occupation, reading habits, interests, what would you do with $50 million, and if you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive who would it be. I said I do not know on the last two. After all that they have all of the prospective juriors leave, and the lawers all met. Then the called us all back in and the lawers talked together again and then handed the judge and sheet of paper. He read a bunch of numbers and had those juriors stand and then dismissed them. Then the lawers talked some more and more were dismissed. Then the judge looked at us and said, "I think we have our jury." Ugh. He had us sit in numarical order and then gave us our new numbers. I am alternant 4. oh what fun. I do not know how I will handle ten weeks of this.
Trial day one... cannot say anything about the case, but they had some technical difficulty - they had the monitor on the wrong input - and they did not listen to me, so we only had two monitors until after lunch. I acted like I was reading lips through out the jury selection and now all the lawers cover there mouths when they talk to each other. Everyone works really had at not showing emotions. I was watch them closely while the lawers were giving their opening remarks. None of the defendants showed emotion the entire time. Well except after one of the judges jokes.