Thursday, November 28, 2013

Amazon Smile

This is kind of cool…
If you are doing any online shopping through please make sure to start at AmazonSmile - . Through AmazonSmile, at no cost to you, Amazon makes a donation for every eligible purchase you make, to the charity of your choice. It’s free and it’seasy. . Follow this link and register today: .  If you already have an account,you still need to start at (every time you shop Amazon).   Just Plug in your login, password and select a charity.  Once selected, all eligible purchases will be registered to benefit the charity every time you purchase through AmazonSmile

I saw this and think that if we are going to buy anything on Amazon, why not have a portion of what we are already going to spend go to a charity we choose. When you first go to the site, they have a few main charities highlighted or you can do a search. You can search for things like Children’s hospital of Buffalo or Roswell Park, both of which I was able to find in their list. Once selected, Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases when you shop at AmazonSmile (

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Mason got up this morning, looked out the window and start saying, "Snow, snow, snow." He was way too excited, but it is thee first real snowfall of the year. It is just a few inches so enough to shovel and plow, but not enough to slow anyone down or close much. I  wonder if he will still be excited when I get home from work.

Saturday, November 09, 2013

Sock Hands

So Mason has been taking his socks off his feet during his naps. The past few times I have gotten him up his socks have been on his hands.