Thursday, July 29, 2010


They were here for 10 hours. We now have a new furnace and central air. They had a hammer drill going for several hours this morning while Lisa had the kids at the park. They still have to come back to run the feed for the back room and run the air return from the upstairs. Now we need to play with the thermostat to figure out the best temp.

Can you say Oreo


I never noticed the sticker with some one signing that service was done in '86 and '88 until last night. I could not find online the age based off the serial number, but the company was bought out in 1982. I asked the guy, getting ready to pull it out, this morning how old it was, and he estimated it to have been put in around 1975 or 1976. 34 or 35 years old!

Ben taking Photos

Ben had the camera and was running around taking photos. Here are some of the more interesting ones.

Fun for Everyone

I got this out for Julie, and everyone gathered around to play with it. At least Julie had fun watching.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Sitting up

Julie is able to crawl, and now today she started sitting up.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Canal Fest

We went with Amy and her kids to Canal Fest this morning. The kids had a blast.

New Car

We bought a '04 Toyota Camry last night from Lisa's aunt. It is in great shape and only 21,000 miles on it. We should have it on the road next week.

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Conversation with Ben

Lisa had to work this morning, so I dropped the kids off to daycare before I head to work. When we get there I turn around and unbuckle Ben, but he just sits there.

[Me] Whats wrong? Do you want to go to school?
[Ben] No
[Me] Do you want to go back home and go back to bed?
[Ben] No
[Me] Do you want to go see Momma?
[Ben] No
[Me] Do you want to go to grandma's?

This he had to think about.

[Ben] (quietly) Yeah

Oh. He has been very contrary lately, so I was not expecting a yes to anything.

[Me] Sorry, buddy, you can't go there now. You can go there another day, but you have to go to school now.

At this point he did decide to go in with me, but he was sad about it.

Friday, July 02, 2010

Don't teach her that, we're not ready...

Dizzy Yet?

Chaulk Drawing

I asked him what it was a drawing of and he told me a story. I have no idea what he said, but he told me.

Jim's fish, Daddy's office, oh the sites...

I stopped by work with the kids today. Ben got to feed the fish in the office of the the president of the company. Up in my area, Ben was able to get a good view of the construction and the big equipment through on of the windows. He then went through my office. He made sure everything was working properly and then left a note on a pad on my desk. He had fun and they were both worn out. They both went right down for a nap when we got home.