Friday, May 30, 2008

Hospital Visit

Lisa came and had lunch with me today. After we ate, we took Ben down to see a few people. First stop was administration. They have been asking about him and I would have gotten in trouble if we had not stopped down there. Everyone was so excited to see him. They want us to bring him by when he is a little older so they can pass him around. Ben just tried to take everything in. Then we headed down to the ER administration to see Jeff and Rob, but they were not there today. After that we headed up to see Dr Dayton, but he was in surgery. At that point it was time for Lisa and Ben to head home. As we walked the halls throughout this visit, staff members would stop us and ask to see him. I enjoyed having Lisa have lunch with me. Hopefully she did not over do it today.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Trying to hold the bottle

Ben so wants to hold his bottle. He is able to hold it up for a few seconds, but not really long enough to pull the phone or camera out to take a photo.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Baby!

Benjamin Joseph Payne
Born May 21, 2008 at 11:58 PM
6 lb 11 oz
20 inches

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Ride in to Work

Lisa did not want me to ride the train this month, so, of course, they have been doing construction on Main Street all month. It looks like they have been digging up train tracks that used to be under the road. I did not realize that a train line use to run on main street. The underground rail does run along Main and comes above ground on Main about where Shea's is.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Police report anyone?

Why is that the local police departments fail to issue a police report? what good is a complaint number? With both of our recent accidents, we were given complaint numbers, but no report was filed. Now we have to fight with the insurance agencies to not get assessed partial liability for my accident. They finally came up with a decision (after well over month from the accident), and they want me to take 20 percent liability for it. They are assessing me this due to no police report, no ticket issued to the other driver, not enough evidence that she made an illegal left turn, and due to where the damage is on hers they say that I should have been able to stop. Lisa went to take more photos to help support our case and emailed them to the adjustor. If only the responding officer had issued a report, we would have had a stronger case and would have had something to go back to the officer with to have a ticket issue to the other driver to prove that she made an illegal left turn. I am not liking this partial liability law right now.

Do not feed the animals...

I guess the birds are not the only ones that I have to worry about eating the grass seed. I saw this rabit helping itself to the seed. I thought about bringing Rumples over to gaurd the seed in the back, but I heard he likes to dig up fresh dirt and grass. The spots where I used the grass patch stuff may end up being the only place I see new grass... Oh well.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Yard work

I did some year work today. I cut the grass and then started to seed the holes in the yard. Sometime in the middle of doing this a blue jay came to see what was going on. We will see how much of the seed ends up as grass and how much ends up feeding the birds.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Struck again

The computer and printer were trashed again in the same psych ward as last Friday.

At least this time they did not call me in the middle of the night. I do not know if it was the same patient or not. They got one of the last CRT monitors we had in our area (I wasn't going to give them another flatscreen). The mouse was able to escape damage this time, but that was about it.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Baby Update

Lisa's doctor is talking about inducing her on the 8th. Lisa is doing good, but the doctor is going on vacation when she is due and wanted her to have the baby before he leaves. Lisa is leaning towards that because she is suppose to graduate on the 17th and wanted to walk across the stage. Those of you who plan to visit, the baby will be here soon. We bought a new car for Lisa, but I am not allowed to blog about that....

Blog stats

151 visits in April, up from 138 in March. Only 1 visit from someone using Linux and 0 Macs( down from 4 and 2 in March). 137 visits from the US, 2 from Indonesia, 2 from the United Kingdom, 2 from India, 1 from Argentina, 1 from Malaysia, 1 from Turkey, 1 from Venezuela, 1 from France, and 1 from Canada.