Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Which Bed?

Ben wants so bad to be a big boy. He will jump on the couch and sit next to me, well for a minute and the he is off again. He will try to use a fork and spoon to eat. He saw Evan do a somersault and he wanted to too. He put his head and hands on the ground and could not go further.

At bedtime, for a while now, he would go up to his room and jump into the toddler bed, but not want to stay there and if we shut his door tightly, he would throw a fit. Then we would end up putting him in the crib. Last night I took him up there and left him in his bed and shut the door. He fussed for about a minute and then I heard him run around for about five minutes, and then all I could hear on the baby monitor was his breathing and the ticking of the clock. When I went up there later to check on him, he was fast asleep on the toddler bed. About 11 he wanted more milk. I went and got it and gave it to him and he walked back to the bed, got in and went right back to sleep. At this point I was thinking okay, he really wanted to sleep in a bed and we are done with the crib. Then at 5 this morning he was done and wanted back in the crib. Well, 9 hours for the first night in a real bed is not bad. Lets see how this goes.

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