Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Normally I cannot remember my dreams, but I remember the one I had last night. It starts out cool. Lisa hands me an envelope and says we have to take it somewhere. We get to a house and she has me run it up to the front door. They take the envelope and say it is around back in the barn, and then open the envelope and there is a check inside. OK... what did we just buy? I have to go to the barn to see. We go open the barn doors and there is my dream car, a 1940's- 50's pickup truck fully restored, and we had just paid cash for it. Nice. Thanks Honey. Then in the next part of the dream, I am moping around, because someone had borrowed the truck and totaled it! Then he comes up to me and says it was just a car, it will be ok. No, it was not just a car it was my special truck. So is the meaning of this dream that if I ever do get the truck, no one is allowed to borrow it; or is the meaning easy come easy go?

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